Friday, May 18, 2007

Read NewsMax Article - Mike Huckabee: 'Sanctity of Life' No 'Peripheral' Position

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Wednesday he would have to think long and hard before he would consider joining a ticket with a candidate who supports abortion rights. Read more.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mike Likes Fair Tax

During the Republican Presidential debate Tuesday May 16, 2007 in Columbia SC Governor Huckabee scored points with conservatives by showing his support for the Fair Tax. He said:

"If we had a fair tax, it would eliminate not just the alternative minimum tax, personal income tax, corporate tax, it would eliminate all the various taxes that are hidden in our system, and Americans don’t realize what they’re paying.

It wouldn’t be a revenue increase or a revenue decrease, revenue neutral. But it also enables people at the lowest end of the economic spectrum to have a chance to reach the next rung on the ladder. It’s the best proposal that we ought to have, because it’s flatter, it’s fairer, it’s finite, it’s family-friendly."

To learn more about the Fair tax visit

Friday, May 11, 2007

Pro-Life Federation Rates the Candidates on Abortion

The choice is clear for Pro-Life Voters! Huckabee or Brownback. We like Mike.

Yesterday, Mayor Giuliani decided to show his true colors. He formally announced he is pro-choice. The question now is,"Will evengalicals use this as a litmus test by choosing pro-life candidates Huckabee or Brownback?" I think they should, what do you think? I suspect some of the less informed will give Rudy credit for "being honest".

For me, the choice is clear; on all the issues, Governor Huckabee is the most consistent social and fiscal conservative with executive experience.

Sarah Huckabee says, "Dad did very well in Debates"

My dad didn't say this in his last email to you, (because he's too modest) but he did a great job in last week's debate. Of course I'm biased so don't take my word for it, read some of the commentary from the national media:

"Mike Huckabee is really terrific. It's hard to know whether a debate watched only by a few million people can really launch someone, but I'd say halfway through that he is far and away the most likable and eloquent candidate on that stage."
-John Podhoretz, National Review

"I thought the person that helped themself the most was Mike Huckabee...Yes, but I think he came close to entering the top tier or really elevating himself. First of all, he was a good personality, a very relaxed, warm presence. Second thing, he actually branded himself. You know, you've got 10 guys up there. Distinguish yourself. And he actually distinguished himself as sort of a populist, straight-talking person from out in the country."
-David Brooks

"I thought Huckabee came across as authentic, as well as likeable. And then there was naturalness to him. He answered the questions. He didn't have talking points."
-Syndicated columnist Mark Shields

For more media reaction to the debate and to read the reactions of campaign supporters on our campaign blog please click here and here.

Since the debate my dad is working twice as hard. In fact, everyone on the campaign team is working twice as hard. It is a great feeling to witness the momentum and the excitement building. To help the campaign maintain its energy, I hope that you will match my dad's commitment right now by taking an important step, just days before the next Republican presidential debate in South Carolina.

I ask you to show your commitment to his campaign by making a contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100, $250 or even $500 to help build the campaign's momentum. To make a contribution, please click here.

A contribution today will help send an important signal that my dad's campaign is continuing to gain strength and constantly growing.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Sarah Huckabee

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hope for America begins in South Carolina

South Carolinians and NASCAR Fans:

Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee will be in Darlington SC (The Dodge Avenger 500) on May 12, 2007. He will be bringing his message of hope to the people of South Carolina. If you are not aware of where Governor Huckabee stands on certain issues, then this would be the perfect place to get to know the Former Governor of Arkansas.

Later that evening, Governor Huckabee will be traveling to Georgetown, SC for a barbeque hosted by former SC First Lady Iris Campbell at 7:00 pm at the Recreation Center at DeBordieu Colony.

Make sure to watch the South Carolina Presidential debate on May 15th and listen to how Governor Huckabee's message will stand out far above his peers!


Support for Governor Huckabee is Growing in South Carolina

As South Carolina Republicans look for the conservative candidate, many are finding Governor Huckabee from Arkansas to be a candidate worth their support. This blog is for those supporters in SC.

To learn more about Governor Huckabee's campaign visit

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