Monday, September 3, 2007

Fred Thompson versus Mike Huckabee= Huckabee in a walk

Senator Fred Thompson, We know now that you are planning to announce of September 6th 2007, the day after the New Hampshire debates. I am sorry that you are going to miss the opportunity to be on national television next to Mike Huckabee. I also wanted to thank you for coming to South Carolina earlier in the year to raise money for the SC GOP. Senator Thompson, be for warned, South Carolina is a conservative state, be careful you don’t spend so much time here and that your real record turns voters away. Don’t stick around long enough to let South Carolina voters learn that you endorsed Lincoln Chaffey’s .

Mr. Thompson you’re a fantastic actor, we love you on Law and Order. But voters in South Carolina understand that being a skilled actor doesn’t automatically make you a great President. President Clinton was a great actor too.

Mr. District Attorney Branch, America is at a crossroads and we need true optimistic leadership to take us into the future. Like many other candidates for President, you are trying to convince South Carolina and America that you are the Reagan type candidate on the Republican ticket. As republican presidential candidates go, Senator Thompson you are more like Bob Dole then Ronald Reagan.

Reagan ran with energy, optimism, and renewed hope. But Bob Dole ran a campaign of the same tired ideas and vote for me to stop the democrats. Senator Thompson America faces to many critical issues, and we must think creatively with big ideas and with optimism in the American people. (Fair Tax, Education and Health care reform)
We can’t have the same inside the beltway rope a dope that we have now. We must return the Republican Party to the American people; we need a people’s candidate not a Hollywood or establishment candidate.

We look forward to seeing you on TV in the debates next to Mike Huckabee, we feel certain that Governor Huckabee will gain exposure through your candidacy. Also I believe that Governor Huckabee's message will continue to resonate with the people, because his message isone of Hope,one that will change the lives for all Americans for the better.

Senator Thompson, I will remind you that the greatness of Ronald Reagan was not only his eloquent speech but his revolutionary ideas. The Reagan Revolution returned optimism to America at a time when the previous President blamed Americans for a sluggish economy, high interest’s rates, and our lost greatness. It was Reagan’s optimism, conservative ideals, and fresh ideas that returned us to greatness with one our greatest periods of prosperity. You see Senator, you’re a great speaker and a good actor, but when it comes to reform or new ideas, you seem to be more of the same-o-same-o. Having actor on your resume doesn’t make you Ronald Reagan.

1.) Mr. Thompson during the last primary that Lincoln Chaffee was in during his Senate race you said that you and Mr. Chaffee agree on most issues, The War in Iraq, Traditional Marriage, Immigration and Abortion. Well Mr. Thompson , Mr. Chaffee was against the Republican Party on most of these issues I named, he is a RINO does that make you one too since you agree with him on MOST ISSUES? Well let’s see Mr. Huckabee, is Pro-life, Traditional Marriage, Against Amnesty and Supports our troops and says we have to keep tyranny away from our shores. Why you sat there and supported a man that was against almost everything True Conservatives believe in. Sounds almost like Mayor Giuliani!

2.) Mr. Thompson if you were to win, you would be Americas first registered lobbyist to become President, You lobbying has been a good investment for you, Since those days as top minority counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, You Mr. Thompson have collected more the 1 million dollars in lobbying fess, which now your campaign is full of staffers and advisers who were part of Phillip Morris. While Governor Huckabee, was a proven Executive who served 10 years as Governor of his state promoting and helping the people of Arkansas, His record as Governor in one year has provided more leadership then you have in all the time you spent in Senate. You have no executive experience you have been part of the Washington cliche that needs to be changed and shouldn’t seek this office because you were known not to get anything done while you were there. We need a leader that has executive experience and not someone that his fame to claim was the McCain Feingold bill... Which everybody knows that targeted the NRA.

3.) Mr. Thompson, but what about campaign finance? The McCain-Feingold bill that irritated a number of conservatives and has badly hurt John McCain's fundraising was supported strongly by you. In fact, you helped write the bill and then Mr. Feingold sent you a letter thanking you for your support; He basically thanked you for going against those who you worked with and relied on your support as a conservative. What would you do on an issue as judges; abortion and even immigration as President would you let the Conservative base down then too. Governor Huckabee would have never supported such a bill nor would he abandon his party...

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