Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mike Likes Fair Tax

During the Republican Presidential debate Tuesday May 16, 2007 in Columbia SC Governor Huckabee scored points with conservatives by showing his support for the Fair Tax. He said:

"If we had a fair tax, it would eliminate not just the alternative minimum tax, personal income tax, corporate tax, it would eliminate all the various taxes that are hidden in our system, and Americans don’t realize what they’re paying.

It wouldn’t be a revenue increase or a revenue decrease, revenue neutral. But it also enables people at the lowest end of the economic spectrum to have a chance to reach the next rung on the ladder. It’s the best proposal that we ought to have, because it’s flatter, it’s fairer, it’s finite, it’s family-friendly."

To learn more about the Fair tax visit


\\wbw said...

Check the results of the Presidential Poll.

Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

Looks like Fair Tax likes Mike too!