Friday, May 11, 2007

Pro-Life Federation Rates the Candidates on Abortion

The choice is clear for Pro-Life Voters! Huckabee or Brownback. We like Mike.

Yesterday, Mayor Giuliani decided to show his true colors. He formally announced he is pro-choice. The question now is,"Will evengalicals use this as a litmus test by choosing pro-life candidates Huckabee or Brownback?" I think they should, what do you think? I suspect some of the less informed will give Rudy credit for "being honest".

For me, the choice is clear; on all the issues, Governor Huckabee is the most consistent social and fiscal conservative with executive experience.


Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

Let's face it, Brownback isn't impressing anybody. Mike Huckabee is charming his way into the first tier though! While he needs more money to have any success against the media's favorite three and eventually Newt Gingrich or Fred Thompson, I truely believe Governor Huckabee is the man we want on the Republican ticket in 2008.

TruBlu said...

Gov. Huckabee is the only true conservative candidate. He also has the experience and ability to reach across the aisle as he did as governor. The faith community needs to get behind him with spiritual and financial support. If every evangelical just sent $25 it would help preserve our legacy.