Thursday, January 10, 2008

SC GOP Debate - Jan. 10, 2008 - Part One

Fred took his shots at Huckabee tonight!

It was sad to see Fred at the end of the stage asking, "can I answer that... can I address that?" Thompson insisted he wanted to talk about the Reagan coalition. But when Fox News gave him the opportunity he attacked Huckabee with the usual Club for Growth Bull $^!t. (Thompson's SC Press Secretary, Josh Gross, runs the Club for Growth's SC office) I wonder if Thompson has any positions or ideas of his own, every word I've heard from Thompson's mouth came right from a paid consultant or Republican special interest group.

I'd like to encourage grassroots social conservatives to show up for this battle for their party and movement. We've stood by and allowed the Wall Street Republicans run our party for 10 years, look where that got us in 2006. Democrats have sold out to and the Republican elites have sold out to Wall Street and their paid consultants. I know several of these consultants and most would do about anything to get a pay check playing the political game. Let's face it, most aren't employable in industry; and other than the long hours on election night "it's not bad work." Most consultants aren't even behind their own candidates.

Fred did say something that social conservatives should pay attention to - something indicative of how he thinks. Thompson, when talking about he Reagan coalition, mentioned the fiscal and defense coalitions but didn't mention the social or second amendment conservatives. He certainly didn't mention the cross over Democrats that helped President Reagan get elected. If Thompson is the conservative he claims to be how could he overlook the evangelicals and pro-gun Republicans in his comments. (Because he's written them out of "his" coalition) My friends, Governor Huckabee is the only candidate in the race that can honestly build a winning general election campaign with coalitions of pro-life, pro-family, pro-2A, pro-defense, fiscal and social conservatives in the Republican and Democratic Party. I've talked with several Democrats that see Governor Huckabee as someone they could support in the general election.

Thompson took another cheap shot at Huckabee in talking about the NEA. I don't know why Thompson has a problem with getting an endorsement from a teachers union. The union may tend to be liberal but not all teachers are. (especially in SC) Huckabee understands that the only way to change those opinions is to have an open and honest dialogue about education. Huckabee is the only Republican to even engage the NEA - not that they shouldn't endorse Huckabee, but the NEA had no choice but to endorse him for the Republican nomination. Huckabee understands that the President needs to represent all Americans; not just those that he agrees with. Thompson claims that the NEA endorsed Huckabee because (Thompson claims) Huckabee is against school vouchers. (not true) In contrast the leadership (and money) of South Carolinians for Responsible Government and Conservatives in Action is working for Thompson for the simple reason he does support vouchers. SCRG & CIA is willing to overlook Thompson's record on McCain-Feingold, No Child Left Behind, gun control, and working as an abortion lobbyist; because Thompson promises to support Federal legislation for school vouchers. These priorities seem a little backwards to me. They are not acting responsibly nor conservatively - but with big money supporters - they sure are profitable. It's ironic, that in crafting McCain-Feingold, Thompson claims he wanted to reform campaign finance; but Thompson has 527 groups (with paid employees) working full time on his campaign staff in SC. (Conservatives in Action)

In conclusion, I wonder if anyone is really paying attention to Thompson. At the end of the day Thompson is unelectable. Even the participants of the Frank Luntz Focus group, who said Thompson won the debate; said it's too little to late and that Fred doesn't stand a chance of winning. Thompson isn't able to raise money. (These days, Huckabee is raising more than Thompson) Thompson isn't polling well, anywhere. Thompson is considered an after thought by the media. The turn out at Thompson events is a fraction of that of serious candidates. I think Fred should go back home to Virginia (not Tennessee) so he catch up on his sleep. It's obvious he's lacking sleep, he probably hasn't been able to take his morning and afternoon naps for a week or ten days.

You know folks - Fred was the last candidate in the race but the first to go negative against the other candidates. Why is that? Because he has no real record and no real message. When he was a Senator in Washington, what legislation did he introduce that reduced taxes, secured the borders, or reduced the size of government?

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